Why hello there

Hello world! This is my first blog post on Soil and Spoon and I’m so excited to be able to share my love of gardening and cooking with others.  I’m looking forward to the garden adventures that 2016 has and to providing and learning information about both.

I’ve always felt that there was no point in knowing information and writing down my thoughts unless I was going to be sharing it with others.  I plan on sharing stories and information about outdoors, our backyard garden and the plants we grow, recipes and DIY projects that we have done around the house.

This year, I would love to connect with other people interested in writing, gardening, cooking and DIY projects- both people who are more knowledgeable and people who are looking to get ideas for their own homes, gardens and mealtimes.

If I blog successfully throughout the whole year, I hope to be a better writer, a better photographer and to have shared some ideas successfully.  Here’s to sharing and discovering more about the things I love.

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